Tom Burton: Consistency Is Key

by 776BC Athletes on May 11, 2016

After taking out bronze last week in France at the Hyeres World Cup, 776BC athlete Tom Burton has jetted across the Atlantic Ocean to Mexico to compete in the Laser World Championships this week. We asked Tom his thoughts on re-setting, re-focusing and re-energising.

How do you transition from a World Cup to a World Championships in such a short amount of time?

The build up to the World Cup Event was the first regatta in a big build towards the Olympics. Even though it is a big regatta in itself, the main goal is the Olympics - so it’s a bit of practice and trying to fix little skills. Similar thing at the Worlds. Worlds has a bit more importance and will be good to put another regatta together. Travelling takes its toll on the body.

How do you ensure peak physical condition by Day 1 of competition?

With the travel taking a toll on the body, we need to get to the venue with about a week spare before the event. This is so you can recover, get the body up to speed again in the boat and, make sure your body is generally fine. It takes a few days to get the body back working perfectly in the boat after a long flight.

What are your key focus points going into the World Cup this week? Are you on the lookout for your Rio 2016 competitors?

Obviously you keep an eye out for whoever is going really well. Trying to minimise the big mistakes is the main thing I want to be focusing on to put a solid regatta together.

Burton will be competing in the Laser Standard Men’s World Championships from May 10th – 18th 2016.

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